Congratulations and thank you for your interest in celebrating your marriage in St. Ignatius Church, Norwood.
In making a decision to marry in a Catholic Church, you are indicating a willingness to invest time and effort in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. The months leading up to your wedding should be full of joy, and be deeply positive in your relationship with your partner. We would like to help you in making the wedding service a happy occasion. A Catholic wedding takes place within Catholic Liturgy, either a Nuptial Mass (with Holy Communion lasting approx. 1 hour) or the Marriage Rite including the Liturgy of the Word. (lasting approx. 40 minutes.) It is important to remember that the ceremony is not just about you as a couple, but also prayer towards God asking his blessing upon you both as you embark upon your married life.
Booking a date
Please contact the parish office regarding Church availability.
Once a date has been approved, we ask you to fill in and return the ‘Contract for the use Church’ (which will be provided by the office) and pay the appropriate fees. This will ensure your booking is confirmed.
It is necessary for you to arrange a priest to help with your preparation and be the celebrant at your wedding ceremony. A priest from the parish may be available or, alternatively, you may arrange your own priest.
– The fee for use of the Church is $1000.00
– In addition we require a Confetti bond of $500.00 (fully refundable providing the Church is left as it was found)
– In addition to the Parish charge, a Priest stipend of $300.00 is the amount stipulated by the Archdiocese office for all weddings in the Archdiocese. (We ask you to keep in mind that the priest will normally spend 10 to 15 hours assisting you to prepare for your wedding, completing the necessary paper work, and being part of the liturgical celebration on the day.)
Payment for use of Church, and Bond should be made to:
Catholic Church Account
BSB: 085 375 Acct: 508052143 (Please quote your surname and wedding date.)
If you are supplying your own Priest or Deacon from another Parish, then the stipend should be paid direct to him.
Church Hire $1000.00
Confetti Bond $500.00
Priest Stipend $300.00